Spring Annotations allow us to configure dependencies and implement dependency injection through java programs. In this post, I will list down the Spring annotations that you will use in everyday day-to-day development with examples.
Following are the Spring annotations, there is no particular order, you can pick any of the annotations which you want to know.
1. @PathVariable:
This annotation is used to pass the data from client to server inside the URI. We will create a spring boot project step-by-step and pass the data from client to server. Follow this tutorial to understand more.
2. @RequestParam:
This annotation is also used to pass the data from client to server using query params. We will create a spring boot project step-by-step and pass the data from client to server. Follow this tutorial to understand more.
3. @RequestBody:
This annotation is used to receive the JSON payload from the HTTP request body. We will create a spring boot project step-by-step and receive the JSON payload from the HTTP request.
4. @ResponseBody:
This annotation is used to send the HTTP response back to the client. We will create a spring boot project step-by-step and send the HTTP response back to the client
5. @RequestMapping:
This annotation is used to map the HTTP requests to the handler methods in the controller. We will create a spring boot project step-by-step and map the HTTP requests to the handler methods.
6. @Autowire:
This annotation is used to inject the dependencies without creating an object using a new keyword. We will create a spring boot project step-by-step and inject the dependencies without creating an actual object.
7. @Bean:
This annotation is used to create a bean by spring framework itself. We will create a spring boot project step-by-step and configure the spring boot app to create a bean.
8. @ExceptionHandler:
This annotation is used to handle exceptions at the class level. We will create a spring boot project step-by-step and handle the exceptions at the class level.
9. @ControllerAdvice:
This annotation is used to handle exceptions at the global level. We will create a spring boot project step-by-step and handle the exceptions at the global level.
10. @Valid:
This annotation is used to validate the bean. We will create a spring boot project step-by-step and validate the bean.
11. @PostConstruct:
This annotation is executed after injections are committed to the given bean. We will create a spring boot project step-by-step and we will discuss this annotation.
12. @ResponseStatus:
This annotation is used to return the HTTP status to the client. We will create a spring boot project step-by-step and return the HTTP status to the client.
13. @ModelAttribute:
This annotation is used to access the model class data. We will create a spring boot project step-by-step and access the model class data with this annotation.
14. @RequestHeader:
This annotation is used to receive the HTTP header values. We will create a spring boot project step-by-step and receive the HTTP header values.
15. @Controller:
This annotation is used to mark the java class as a Controller class. We will create a spring boot project step-by-step and create a controller class.
16. @RestController:
This annotation is used to mark the java class as the Rest controller class. We will create a spring boot project step-by-step and create a rest controller class.
17. @Value:
This annotation is used to read the property value from the property file. We will create a spring boot project step-by-step and read the property from the property file with this annotation.
More coming soon… Keep an eye on this post. đ