Hello in this post, we will set up the MySQL database and we configure the data source in the spring boot project. let’s begin.
Create a MySQL database,
Execute the query to create the expense table,
CREATE TABLE tbl_expenses ( id BIGINT(20) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, amount DECIMAL(19, 2) NOT NULL, created_at BIGINT(20) NOT NULL, description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, note VARCHAR(255) );
Next, configure the data source in the spring boot project. Add the following code inside the application.properties file
spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ecom?useSSL=false spring.datasource.username=expensetracker spring.datasource.password=expensetracker # spring.jpa.generate-ddl=true
Hi Bushan,
I started to work on an Angular 8/Spring boot project you shared on YouTube and found out later that those videos are no more there. Shall we expect that you share them again?
Thank you.
I am really sorry! I removed those videos as i was working for same project in my organization, they saw those videos and told me to remove as they violates the company policy. So i removed them! I will re-create those videos may be the future. But for now you can watch my other course Spring Boot Masterclass 🙂 Let me know if you need anything else.