Learn how to establish a connection to a MySQL server effortlessly using both the MySQL Command Line Client and MySQL Workbench. Follow these step-by-step instructions to connect to your MySQL server, enabling seamless management and interaction with your databases.
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Table of Contents
Connecting to MySQL Server using MySQL Command Line Client
Follow the below steps to connect MySQL server using MySQL command line tool
Open Command Prompt or Terminal
On Windows, press Win + R
, type cmd
, and press Enter. On macOS or Linux, you can open the Terminal.
Connect to MySQL Server
On the terminal or command prompt, enter the following command to connect to the server
mysql -u <username> -p
Replace the username
with MySQL username and hit enter, it will ask you to enter the password. If you enter the password correctly, then it will connect to the MySQL server.
Connecting to MySQL Server using MySQL Workbench
Follow the below steps to connect MySQL server using MySQL workbench
Open MySQL Workbench
Start MySQL Workbench on your computer.
Create a New MySQL Connection
If you haven’t connected to the server before, click the “+” icon next to “MySQL Connections” on the home screen. Otherwise, you can click “Database” in the top menu and select “Connect to Database.”
Configure Connection Parameters
Fill in the following details in the connection setup window:
- Connection Name: A descriptive name for your connection.
- Connection Method: Standard TCP/IP over SSH (if applicable) or Standard TCP/IP.
- Hostname: The hostname or IP address of the MySQL server.
- Port: Default MySQL port is usually 3306.
- Username: Your MySQL username.
- Password: Your MySQL password.
Click “Test Connection” to verify that the connection details are correct.
Connect to the MySQL Server
After successfully testing the connection, click “OK” to save the connection settings and return to the main screen. Your new connection should be listed under “MySQL Connections.” Double-click it to establish the connection.
Watch the Video
Still if you are struggling to connect to MySQL server then you can watch the below YouTube video to understand more about it.
Related MySQL Posts:
- The Ultimate guide to using the MySQL show command for Data Analysis
- MySQL Made Easy: The complete guide to creating and deleting databases with confidence
We invite you to join us in the full tutorial, where we’ll guide you through each step with clear explanations and hands-on examples. Whether you’re starting from scratch or seeking to refine your expertise, our comprehensive approach ensures that you’ll walk away with a deeper understanding of MySQL tutorial.
That’s it for today. I hope you are able to connect MySQL server successfully on both terminal and workbench. Feel free to leave a comments if you are facing any issues. I will try to help you. Thank you, see you in the next post.